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Yusuf ( árabe : يوسف , Yūsuf ; sinónimo árabe de "José") es el capítulo 12 ( Surah ) del Corán y tiene 111 Ayahs (versos). [1] Está precedido por sūrah Hud y seguido por Ar-Ra'd (El trueno). Con respecto al momento y el contexto contextual de la supuesta revelación ( asbāb al-nuzūl ), se reveló hacia el final del período de la Meca , [2]lo que significa que se cree que se reveló en La Meca, en lugar de más tarde en Medina. Se dice que se reveló en una sola sesión y es único en este sentido. [3] El texto narra la historia de Yusuf ( José ), considerado un profeta en el Islam, cuya vida y misión relata.

A diferencia de los relatos de otros profetas islámicos, [4] diferentes elementos y aspectos de los cuales se relacionan en diferentes suras, la historia de vida de Yusuf, se narra en esta sura solamente, en su totalidad y en orden cronológico. [2] [5] Esta sura, que también dice la verdad, según los musulmanes, contenida en los sueños, presenta muchos principios de cómo servir al Islam al relatar la historia de vida de un profeta, que se convirtió en la figura más famosa y respetada. en el país al que había sido vendido como esclavo. [2]

La sura fue traducida por primera vez al latín por Thomas van Erpe en 1617 y más tarde en el siglo XVII se publicó sinópticamente en árabe y latín como parte de los esfuerzos luteranos por traducir el Corán. [6]

Resumen [ editar ]

José con su padre Jacob y sus hermanos en Egipto de Zubdat-al Tawarikh en el Museo de Arte Turco e Islámico de Estambul , dedicado al Sultán Murad III en 1583
Yusuf y Zulaikha ( José perseguido por la esposa de Potifar ), miniatura persa de Behzād , 1488.
1-3 El Profeta conoce por inspiración la historia de José
4 José le cuenta a su padre de su visión de once estrellas y el sol y la luna inclinándose ante él.
5 Jacob advierte a José contra los celos de sus hermanos
6 Jacob entiende que el sueño significa el futuro carácter profético de José
7 la historia de José, una señal de la providencia de Dios
8 Los hermanos de José le tienen envidia a él y a Benjamín
9 Se juntan para asesinarlo o para expatriarlo.
10 Uno de ellos aconseja que lo pongan en un pozo
11-12 Le ruegan a su padre que envíe a José con ellos
13 Jacob vacila por temor a que José sea devorado por un lobo
14-15 Los hermanos de José, recibiendo el consentimiento de su padre, lo llevan con ellos y lo ponen en un pozo.
15 Dios envía una revelación a José en el pozo
16-17 Los hermanos llevan a Jacob el informe de que José había sido devorado por un lobo.
18 Jacob no cree en la historia de sus hijos
19-20 Ciertos viajeros que encuentran a José lo llevan a la servidumbre
21 Un egipcio compra a José y le propone adoptarlo
22 Dios le da sabiduría y conocimiento
23 La esposa del egipcio se esfuerza por seducir a José
24 Por la gracia de Dios fue preservado de sus seducciones
25 Acusa a José de intentar deshonrarla
26-27 La rasgadura en su vestidura testifica la inocencia de José
28-29 Azeez cree a José y condena a su esposa
30 El pecado de la esposa de Azeez se da a conocer en la ciudad
31 Las esposas de otros nobles, al ver la hermosura de José, lo llaman ángel
32 La esposa de Azeez declara su propósito de encarcelar a José a menos que él ceda a sus solicitudes
33 José busca la protección de Dios
34 Dios escucha su oración y aparta sus lazos
35 José encarcelado a pesar de su inocencia
36-37 Se compromete a interpretar los sueños de dos de los sirvientes del rey que también estaban presos con él
38-40 José predica la unidad divina a sus compañeros de prisión
41 Interpreta los sueños de los dos sirvientes
42 José pide ser recordado por el rey, pero es olvidado
43 Los sueños del rey de Egipto
44 Los intérpretes del rey no interpretan el sueño del rey
45-49 José recuerda e interpreta el sueño del rey
50 El rey saca a José de la cárcel
51 Las mujeres del palacio reconocen su pecado al esforzarse por inducir a José al amor ilegal
52-53 José reivindicado. La esposa de Azeez no se libera de la culpa.
54 El rey restaura a José
55-57 José nombrado tesorero del rey a petición suya
58 Sus hermanos vienen a él, pero no lo reconocen
59-61 José pide a sus hermanos que le traigan a su hermano Benjamín.
62 Su dinero regresó en sus costales para inducir su regreso
63-66 Jacob, a regañadientes, permite que Benjamín vaya a Egipto con sus hermanos.
67 Jacob les aconseja que entren en la ciudad por varias puertas
68 Este consejo en vano contra el decreto de Dios
69 José, recibiendo a Benjamín, se le da a conocer
70-76 Él, por medio de la astucia, pone a sus hermanos bajo cargo de robo
77, 79 Insiste en retener a Benjamin en lugar de un sustituto
80-82 Después de la consulta, todos los hermanos de Benjamín regresan a Jacob excepto uno
83 Jacob se niega a dar crédito a su historia, pero confía en Dios
84-86 Jacob llora a José y, sin embargo, habla de su esperanza.
87 Jacob envía a sus hijos a preguntar por José
88-90 José se da a conocer a sus hermanos
91-93 Perdona a sus hermanos y envía su ropa interior a su padre para que le devuelva la vista.
94-97 Jacob predice el hallazgo de José y recibe la vista.
98-99 Pide perdón por sus hijos malvados
100 Joseph receives his parents unto him in Egypt
101 Jacob and his sons and wife all do obeisance to Joseph
102 Joseph praises God for his mercies and professes the Muslim faith
103-107 The infidels will not believe the signs of the Qurán
108 God's order to the messenger to proclaim the Muslim faith
109 God’s apostles in all ages have been but men
109-110 Unbelievers invariably punished for rejecting the messengers of God
111 The Quran no forgery, but a confirmation of the writings of former prophets [7]


The story of Sura Yūsuf is about the Prophet Yūsuf, translated in English as Joseph. Yūsuf is one of the sons of Ya'qub (known as Jacob in the English translation) who has the talent of interpreting dreams. One day Yūsuf has a dream and he narrates his dream to his father who immediately knows that Yūsuf will be a prophet. His father tells him not to tell his brothers to avoid any harm. However, because of Ya'qub's loving treatment towards Yūsuf, Yūsuf's brothers felt jealous. They wanted to get rid of Yūsuf, so their father could love them instead of Yūsuf. Their initial plan was to kill Yūsuf, but later they decided to throw him in a well. They lied to their father and told him that a wolf had killed him. Later, a caravan rescued Yūsuf from the well, who then sold him to a 'Al-Aziz in Egypt. The 'Al-Aziz took Yūsuf in and was hoping to either put him to work or adopt him as a son. Later, the man's wife tries to seduce Yūsuf, but he resists. The woman seeing his resistance accuses Yūsuf of wanting to harm her and demands that he should either be punished severely or sent to jail.

A witness, after Yūsuf defends his innocence, testifies "if his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars but if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful." The shirt was indeed torn from the back. Soon after this accident, the women of the city talk of how the wife is seeking to seduce Yūsuf. The wife of 'Al-Aziz invites them to a banquet, gives each of them a knife, and then tells Yūsuf to come out. The women cut their hands in astonishment. 'She said, "That is the one about whom you blamed me. And I certainly sought to seduce him, but he firmly refused; and if he will not do what I order him, he will surely be imprisoned and will be of those debased."[8] Yūsuf prefers prison to what they call him so he prayed to God. Yūsuf is sent to prison.

In the prison, Yūsuf met two other men and interprets one of the prisoner's dreams. The prisoner is then released and Yūsuf asked the prisoner to mention his talent to the king. One day, the King had a dream and the prisoner who had been released mention Yūsuf. He interprets the King's dream, which is about Egypt having a seven-year drought. To reward him, the King requests his release from jail and the King also investigates his case. The wife who tried to seduce Yūsuf testifies that he was innocent, and the truth unveils. Yūsuf is given authority in Egypt.

During the seven-year drought, Yūsuf's brothers visit Egypt to get food for their family. Upon seeing his brothers, Yūsuf recognizes them though they did not recognize him.[9] Yūsuf, in a high position of authority, requests that the next time they come, they bring their youngest brother Benjamin with them. When the brothers returned with their youngest brother, Yūsuf takes him aside and tells him his identity. Yūsuf plots a theft case where his youngest brother is found guilty of theft when he is truly innocent and is detained from his family, so he could stay with him. Later, when the father and brothers face poverty they come back to Yūsuf and Yūsuf then helps them and reveals his identity asking them to come and live with him.[10]


There is no confirmed time when surat Yūsuf was supposedly revealed, but it is estimated to be either in the 10th or 11th year of dawah. In other words, it is known to have been revealed 2 or 3 years before the hijrah (Migration) from Makkah to Madina which is close to the end of the Makkan era and Makkan journey. This Sura was revealed after a year the scholars of seerah call 'am al huzun' (the year of Sorrow or Despair). This year was a sad and depressing time for the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was going through several hardships and three of those are the most significant. The first one is his uncle Abu Talib's death. Abu Talib was the only father figure he had left and one of the people who protected him from the harms of society. The second tragedy would come with his beloved first wife, Khadijah's death. She was the first to believe in his message and she was his comfort. The two deaths were a significant loss to him as they were the people in his life that motivated and protected him through his journey. Later on in Makkah after his uncle's death, the pagans made him face excessive hardships while he tried to call the people to Islam. Expecting a better reply from the city of Ta'if, Muhammad departs Makkah. However, to his disappointment, the people of Ta'if did not welcome him, gave him a hard time and chased him out of the city by throwing rocks at him. He was injured, bleeding and left with nothing but disappointment from the people of Ta'if. This sura was meant to uplift his spirits and comfort him in his time of rejection.[11]

Other findings[edit]

Along with the three crucial events that marked the revelation for Muhammad, scholars have mentioned other incidents that led to the revelation of the sura. The Quraysh wanted to test Muhammad, as they were in disbelief of his knowledge and spiritual capabilities. They did not believe him to be a prophet and planned to trick him by asking a question that only a true prophet would be able to answer. The story of Yūsuf and his brothers, was one that was not heard of, as the people of Makkah held no knowledge of this story.[12] Also translated as Joseph (son of Jacob) it was known to the Christian and Jewish cultures and not heard of by the Quraysh. To recite this story would show true prophecy, but people had no faith that Muhammad would possess this gift. When Muhammad was questioned, he revealed through his revelation all his knowledge about the untold story.[13]Following the hardships faced within the city of Makkah, the story of Yūsuf was later revealed to uplift people's spirits. They questioned, "O Messenger of Allah, why don't you tell us the stories of those before us who also suffered?" [14] This was a time of abrupt chaos as the Muslims were being persecuted and later forced to leave. This posed as the second conclusion to the revelation.

Hadith Culture[edit]

It has been narrated by Ja'far al-Sadiq, a great-grandson of Muhammad, that the individual who recites Surah Yūsuf during every day or every night will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement with beauty resembling the beauty of Yūsuf. He will not fear the Day of Judgement and will be among the best of the believers.[15]

Muhammad is reported to have encouraged the teaching of Surah Yūsuff to slaves, claiming that "whenever a Muslim recites it and teaches it to his family and slaves, Allah would ease for him the pangs of death and make it so that no Muslim would envy him" [16]:315

Major themes[edit]

The faith of the prophets[edit]

The faiths of the prophets before Muhammad were the same as his. The prophets Ibrahim, Ishaaq, Ya'qūb and Yūsuf invited the people to the same message as Muhammad.[17]

Character of a Muslim[edit]

  • Has awareness of Allah and accountability of one's deeds
  • Pursues one's goals while remaining under the limits prescribed by the Divine Law
  • Believes that success and failure are entirely in the hands of God, whatever Allah wills happen and no one can prevent it
  • Applies their efforts towards the truth and puts one's trust in Allah[18]

Confidence and courage[edit]

Throughout the story of Yūsuf, Allah taught the believers that a person who possesses true Islamic character can master the world with the strength of their character. The example of Yūsuf shows that a person of high and pure character can overcome severe circumstances and be successful.[19]

Objectives of this Surah[edit]

  1. To provide proof that Muhammad's prophethood and his knowledge is not based on unsubstantiated information, rather but was gained through revelation.
  2. It applies the theme of the story to the people of Quraysh (The tribe of the leaders in Makah) and warns that the conflict between them and Muhammad would end in his victory over them. As stated in verse 7: "Indeed there are signs in this story of Yūsuf and his brothers for the inquirers"[20]


  1. ^ [1]|The Noble Quran (Surah 12)
  2. ^ a b c Ünal, Ali, author. The Qurʼan with annotated interpretation in modern English. p. 471. ISBN 978-1-59784-000-2. OCLC 1002857525.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ Deris, SM. "Surah Yusuf: The Story That Brings Comfort (Part 1 of 5)". Retrieved 28 March 2012.[unreliable source?]
  4. ^ Wheeler, Brannon. (2002). Prophets in the Quran : an Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. ISBN 978-1-4411-0405-2. OCLC 1128453246.
  5. ^ Qadhi, Yasir. "The Best of Stories: Pearls from Surah Yusuf | Part 1". Retrieved 27 March 2012.
  6. ^ Alastair Hamilton, "A Lutheran Translator for the Qur'an: A Late Seventeenth-Century Quest". Taken from The Republic of Letters And the Levant, p. 197. Eds. Alastair Hamilton, Maurits H. Van Den Boogert and Bart Westerweel. Volume 5 of Intersections. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2005. ISBN 9789004147614
  7. ^ Wherry, Elwood Morris (1896). A Complete Index to Sale's Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  8. ^ "Surah Yusuf [12:32]". Surah Yusuf [12:32].
  9. ^ "Surah Yūsuf (Joseph) in English Translation".
  10. ^ "PROPHET Joseph(YUSUF) (peace be upon him)". Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  11. ^ Qadhi, Yasir. "The Best of Stories: Pearls from Surah Yusuf | Part 1". Retrieved 27 March 2012.
  12. ^ Qadhi, Yasir. "The Best of Stories: Pearls from Surah Yusuf | Part 1". Retrieved 27 March 2012.
  13. ^ "Yusuf". Profile of the Sura. Archived from the original on 18 June 2008. Retrieved 23 March 2012.
  14. ^ "Knowledge of tawheed". Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  15. ^ Al-Shaykh al-Saduq (May 16, 2015). Thawab Al-A'mal wa I'qab Al-A'mal (1st ed.). Door of Light. p. 106. ISBN 9781312807587.
  16. ^ Tabarsi, Sheikh Hasan (1963). Majma al-bayan fi tafsir al-Quran (reprint ed.). Iran: Dar al-Marefah. p. Volume 5.
  17. ^ Malik, Muhammad (1997). English Translation of the Meaning of Al-Quran: The Guidance for Mankind. Houston: Texas: The Institute of Islamic Knowledge. pp. 340–354. ISBN 0 911119 80 9.
  18. ^ Malik, Muhammad (1997). English Translation of the Meaning of Al-Quran: The Guidance for Mankind. Houston: Texas: The Institute of Islamic Knowledge. pp. 340–354. ISBN 0 911119 80 9.
  19. ^ Malik, Muhammad (1997). English Translation of the Meaning of Al-Quran: The Guidance for Mankind. Houston: Texas: The Institute of Islamic Knowledge. pp. 340–354. ISBN 0 911119 80 9.
  20. ^ Malik, Muhammad (1997). English Translation of the Meaning of Al-Quran: The Guidance for Mankind. Houston: Texas: The Institute of Islamic Knowledge. pp. 340–354. ISBN 0 911119 80 9.

External links[edit]

  • Surah Yusuf Mp3
  • Quran 12 Clear Quran translation